
Sunday, June 20, 2021

The GuardaHeart Foundation Launches DiabetesPredict in Style At Newport Beach Gala

The GuardaHeart Foundation presented a sizzling summer event in Newport Beach on Saturday June 19th to celebrate the launch of their DiabetesPredict test. The event was held at a Newport Beach mansion with food, live music, and more. Both the Chariman and the Founder of GuardaHeart Dr. Douglas Harrington and Estrella Harrington attended the event and spoke to the crowd.

 Notable guests such as Dusty Lang of Rock Band Six Gun Sal, actor Tyrone DuBose, Simon Lunche music artist, and more stepped onto the red carpet to come out and support the event. 

The attendees enjoyed a beautiful buffet with delicious appetizers and a blue themed drink to match the GuardaHeart brand. 

The dessert was a delicious sugar free ice cream provided by BochaSweet an all natural sweetner company based in Orange County. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the sunset views over the harbor. 

The GuardaHeart foundation members even put on a live music performance for the guests. We also got to hear from the doctors and founders about the progress the DiabetesPredict test has made. It was a great night and everyone enjoyed getting back out to celebrate together. 

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